Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thing #10

I have not noticed the Creative Commons on any websites before. I think that this could impact my students when they are creating products. They can use ideas from these websites that can be a part of something they have created. I have used images and video clips from websites to aide in book comprehension and visualization. I really do not share content on the web other than a blog or a wiki which does not include photos or video. I do now understand that I must look for this symbol when creating products.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thing #9

Okay, this is one of the activities that I enjoyed the most. It was user friendly and I loved adding images to it. It did take me a while but I was not stressed like i have been in other activities. This was fun! Here is my wiki

Thing #8 Stretch

As I look through the wikis I could get lost and read forever. There is so much information and I could stay on the computer forever. I found a very cool website that was mentioned in one wiki called It is so great. I wish I had more time to surf.

Thing #8

I would like to start a wiki about a book that a student needs to read first and then have conversation about what happened in the book.
The first wiki that I visited was This wiki was from a fifth grade classroom. It was designed to have students think about ways to help our country and climate. The instructions were very clear and concise. I enjoyed reading the students responses and I thought the questions were very well thought out. I especially liked the question that the teacher asked about what questions would they have for President Obama.
The second wiki that I looked at was This was completed by third grade students. It looks like the students were studying the west and the teacher set up a timeline and then gave the students an area to research. The students used Kidspiration to make graphic organizers and also added pictures. I think the students would have to have a lot of help in producing this wiki, but a lot would be learned.
The final wiki that I observed was This was a fifth/sixth grade site that was set up like a class web page. It was divided into a classroom window and a curriculum area. There were student blogs,teacher blogs, news events and homework in this area. This wiki was very appealing to the eye as well as informative.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thing #7

I have been reading different blogs for quite a while but I am a closet reader and never have really responded to any. My own daughter has a blog and she always asks me why I don't comment. This activity has made me comment on people's blogs that I don't know. I really enjoyed telling someone that I liked something that they had done and how I benefited from their work. Interesting!
I am doing okay in the class. Just a bit behind with a challenging class that keeps me at school until all hours of the night. But I am back on the road.

Thing #6

As the man said in the Youtube video the RSS feed is addicting. I have two favorite feeds that I really enjoy. The first is There are so many cool pictures to look at. I love to take pictures and this has given me lots of great ideas. The other is . This has some great decorating ideas and gifts to make.

Thing #5

I read "Amplifying Possibilities in the K12 Online Conference. This was very interesting to me. I went to the first grade presentation first. I watched Mrs. Cassidy's presentation. I thought I would start out easy first. I got two good ideas from her presentation. One was using a blog as a sort of newsletter and then some different ways to use wikis. Then she posted some links to her blogs, wikis and other classrooms for more ideas. I would love to incorporate the blogs through my students writing and possibly blogging buddies in another state or country. If your interested here is the link